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News — Aqualoop

Greywater Harvesting for Hotels

Posted by MARTIN PFAFF on

Greywater Harvesting for Hotels

Water stewardship is an extremely important aspect of good environmental practice for hotels. Many use reduced flow and flush in bathrooms, but how many are recycling water? Water re-use is becoming core to many companies’ sustainability efforts and it’s never been more important.  Freshwater withdrawals have increased globally by about 1% per year since the 1980s (UN, 2016) and it is estimated that water scarcity now affects 40% of the global population (CAWMA, 2007).  Even in the UK some areas are reporting difficulties in meeting demand. Hotels often do a lot to manage water consumption. Low flow taps and showers...

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The Growing Need for Advanced Water Treatment

Posted by MARTIN PFAFF on

The Growing Need for Advanced Water Treatment

Greywater Recycling. Sprawling cities gave way to the built up of waste, including dirty water. At first, cities were able to control the water going through the drains, but that is changing. Wastewater is a lot grittier and contains more contaminants than ever before. Water is still one of the earth’s most precious commodities, making it imperative that serious changes are implemented regarding how wastewater is treated. Recycling Greywater from Showers for secondary use is easy and safe with the right system. Our system has a tertiary treatment, coarse filtration, biological treatment (aeration) and membrane filtration (0.2 micron).

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WATER - Why harvest Rainwater, recycle Greywater?

Posted by MARTIN PFAFF on

WATER - Why harvest Rainwater, recycle Greywater?

Water is the basis for the entire biosphere. Ponds, rivers, lakes, wetlands, and oceans are the habitat for myriad plants and animals and are a key component of the ecosystem. Groundwater is one of our main source of drinking water and a habitat. We use water for our food, daily hygiene, and recreational activities. Water also plays a key economic role as an energy source, transportation medium and raw material. Efficient protection and conservation of water resources are crucially important for biodiversity and sustainable use.  

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AQUALOOP - Combined Greywater Recycling and Rainwater Harvesting System in Christchurch

Posted by MARTIN PFAFF on

AQUALOOP - Combined Greywater Recycling and Rainwater Harvesting System in Christchurch

A good start into the New Year. Tanks have arrived on site and have been craned into their position. Another AQUALOOP combined Greywater Recycling and Rainwater Harvesting System in Christchurch pretty soon. 

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Don't be left DRY during a disaster

Posted by Gaylene Barnes on

Don't be left DRY during a disaster

In light of the recent quakes, the 'Roof Water Harvesting Centre' at Massey University has released a press release recommending a minimum 250 to 600 litre rainwater tank for drinking-needs during an emergency. A larger harvesting and treatment rainwater tank could easily provide all of a households needs during an earthquake or other natural disaster.

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