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About us

Welcome! We can design a water and energy conservation package for you.

Please call us, or email us with any questions you have.

OUR COMPANY GOAL is to en­able everyone to bet­ter use their water and energy re­sources with appropriate technology.

  • rainwater and greywater membrane treatment systems (0.2UM)
  • rainwater harvesting and utilisation systems
  • stormwater infiltration, retention and attenuation systems
  • wastewater heat recovery systems

CLEAN CLEAR WATER IS VALUABLE. More than two-thirds of our "Blue Planet" is cov­ered by water, but only 2.5% is actually fresh water, which is fast dis­ap­pear­ing. There is a short­age of water. And it af­fects many coun­tries including New Zealand and the Pacific Region - es­pe­cially dur­ing the sum­mer months.

The total de­mand for fresh water has also in­creased and our nat­ural sources will be unable to meet demand in the long run. It is clear that new sources of water must be de­vel­oped - or we learn how to better use the resources we already have.

We promote the use of rain­wa­ter and greywater wherever possible. Pure fresh drink­ing water is just that - for drinking. 

OUR WATER SAVING PRODUCTS BENEFIT THE ENVIRONMENT They're re­source-friendly, and help us to better manage our use of water.

We main­tain the high­est qual­ity and stan­dards of our prod­ucts and sys­tems with cer­ti­fica­tions from in­de­pen­dent in­spec­tion au­thor­i­ties, care­ful su­per­vi­sion of sup­pli­ers and sep­a­rate qual­ity as­sur­ance pro­ce­dures.

We offer a 2 year IN­TEWA war­ranty for nu­mer­ous prod­ucts is offered as proof of the product quality.